In our exploration of the historical sites around Peenemünde we often encounter relics that are a mystery to us. If you recognise the item and can tell us anything positive (no guesses please, we have lots of those already!) it will be a big help and you can be sure we will credit your contribution to the solution. So, here’s this month’s Peenemünde mystery.
So can you help solve a small Peenemünde mystery? This month’s oddity is a part with a distinctive helical or screws shape. It looks like something designed to screw into an aperture or pipe with a coarse deep thread. That’s about as much as we can tell you other than that it is of heavy construction and has a couple of numbers stamped on it – see pictures, and for more detail go to Galleries/Peenemünde/Enigmas. We are fairly confident this item dates from the WWII era from its structure and where it was found, but it’s far from impossible that it may be related to military activities in the DDR era.
Last month’s question
Our thanks for the two responses we got to our question posted in February, one suggested that it might be a hanging pipe restraint – used to support some of the weight of a hose or pipe festooned between two points. This idea is OK as far as it goes, but it doesn’t account for why the cast holder is so aggressively profiled with teeth and has a fastening system designed to put a lot of force on whatever was being held. And yet the cast hook on the holder looks quite weak and not designed to hold too much weight. So we still don’t have a solution for this one yet. If you know anything, please use the comments box below or get in touch via our e-mail address on the contact page on our main menu.
I think it’s the internal part of an electric rotary conmuter. In one position it shortcircuits two lines and rotated 180º shortcircuits two others
Hi Josep. Thanks for the post. I like your explanation a lot. The part was recovered in an area where there had been high-amp 350/400v switchgear (<20m). But the four strips of metal that might be 'contact' or 'push' surfaces in your idea are made from steel rather than some kind of copper alloy (if direct contact) or Bakelite (if they were acting as contact pushers) - and that may weigh against your explanation (your opinion?). The fact that the 4 strips are all parallel is a point in your favour. I've looked at a few drawings I've got of Siemens & Halske industrial switches from the era and no luck so far. Can you suggest a link to anything that looks even a bit like this used in switchgear? KR RJD
when I searched for a parts diagram or layout of the V2 , A
DRAWING of original design was
available . Description(s) of all
parts were labeled in German. Tubing or pipe that extends to the
lower area of the thrust stage (cooler fuel) exhibits a part similar in shape . Possibly a flange seal and pipe connection .
in V2 rocket there is a radio transmitter, with one valve, and telemetry equipment. I would like to have the schematic diagram
I am a civil engineer who has just joined this site, Feb 2023. I believe the device is a primitive device to bring together and accurately align the walls of 2 nr cut metallic pipe or duct ends to permit accurate butt welding together and then retrieval of the device.