In our exploration of the historical sites around Peenemünde we often encounter relics that are a mystery to us. If you recognise the item and can tell us anything positive about it (no guesses please, we have lots of those already!) it will be a big help and you can be sure we will credit your contribution to the solution. So, here’s this month’s Peenemünde mystery.
So can you help solve a small Peenemünde mystery?
We think the odd looking clamp-hook and chain could be part of a vehicle’s or trailer’s equipment. A manufacturers mark on the part suggests that it may have been made by or for the primary contractor for the Meillerwagen – the combined final transport and mobile launch gantry used to launch the V2 missile in combat. However, we don’t think it was part of the standard equipment for the Meillerwagon. The main cast part has two oddly symmetrical toothed edges that seem to be designed to intimately fit a curved surface on a part that is related to the toothed profile. The radius of the toothed profiles suggest they were designed to fit something about 75mm in diameter but of unknown length – a ribbed tube – but what? It looks like a lighter chain was originally fastened to the wing-bolt assembly but is missing now (probably why it was thrown away over 70 years ago!). Look carefully and you will see were one of the links of the loose end of the missing chain was designed to fit on to the opposite side of the part to the larger fixed chain. Clearly the wing bolt locking system tightened everything up after the loose chain had been hooked in position. The part was found with other V2 missile scrap, but this does not mean it has anything to do with rocket work.
Previous Question
Our thanks for all the responses we got to our question posted in April last year, all were helpful and most pointed to the conclusion that the mystery object was a railway points switch as we had suggested. We still have not been able to determine the exact details of the switch or gain any clue as to who manufactured it. If you know, please use the comments box below or get in touch via our e-mail address on the contact page on our main menu.
I have looked everywhere for PART 2 of the
A4 / V2 Rocket in detail: Turbopump episode, I have watched Many times.
and cannot find PART 2, could you please tell me where it can be located?
Thanks! and keep up the incredible work!
Hi Erik, thanks for posting. Part 2 of the Turbopump video is not finished yet. C19 has caused a lot of travel problems for us. But other A4/V2 videos will appear between now and January next year. Stay safe. KR RJD
It is not very clear, but in addition to the manufacturer stamp, there is a number stamp which appears to read “1341.” If this is indicative of a supply chain catalog number (from a technical manual or otherwise identifiable part number) than it may be easy to identify the system that it belongs to.
Are there any commonly used bomb trucks or weapon skids that were used in conjunction with the Meillerwagen?
Based on the item’s description and preliminary observation, does the wing nut assembly interlock with the opposite side?
This would lead to the question are there any common rails or steel cable components that may have acted as an attachment point?