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Wooden Carboy frame

Wooden Carboy frame

Wooden carboy frame from WW2 (possibly used for transporting small quantities of corrosive and dangerous liquids employed in the V2 steam plant, (such as T-Stoff) laying among trees 190m East of F1 in a location used as an emergency rail freight loading area to F1 due to damage caused by US air raids in August 1944.

Album: Peenemünde research: Werk Süd (South works) region

Categories: Peenemünde-Usedom-locations

Tags: #Peenemünde #HAP #Werk Sud (South Works) #Steam generator #Fertigungshalle Eins (F1)

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Wooden carboy frame examined

Wooden carboy frame examined

Wooden carboy frame from WW2 (possibly used for transporting small quantities of corrosive and dangerous liquids employed in the V2 steam plant (such a T-Stoff) laying among trees 190m East of F1 in a location used as an emergency rail freight loading area for F1 due to damage caused to rail track by US air raids in August 1944.

Album: Peenemünde research: Werk Süd (South works) region

Categories: Peenemünde-Usedom-locations

Tags: #HAP #HVP #Peenemünde #Steam generator #Usedom #Werk Sud (South Works) #Fertigungshalle Eins (F1)

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Turbo Pump Parts Showing Steam Rotor

Turbo Pump Parts Showing Steam Rotor

Image shows allied soldier examining remains of V2 rocket turbo-pump after impact. The soldier is holding the steam turbine rotor – the large size of this part is well shown in this photo. The still lagged steam inlet manifold can be seen in the left foreground and the LOX outlet manifold (and valve, topmost) can be seen in the lower right corner.

Album: Turbopump parts and relics

Categories: Sub-assemblies

Tags: #Turbo-pump #Steam generator #steam turbine #Propellant Pumps

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Smashed TP Antwerp Impact

Smashed TP Antwerp Impact

Picture shows tubo-pump debris from impact site. LOX manifold clearly seen (3 in 1 outlet pipes, upper center of image – the one to its right, 2 o’clock position, and left, 11 o’clock position are both broken off).The LOX flow electric control valve is also well displayed in this image (LOX valve head is slightly low and left of center, part nearest camera). The electrical connection to the LOX valve has broken away leaving its empty socket pointing upwards and to the right.

Album: Turbopump parts and relics

Categories: Sub-assemblies

Tags: #Turbo-pump #Steam generator #steam turbine #Propellant Pumps