V2 Fuel Injector insert: part code 2131E from injector pot echelon A (nearest to LOX spray head). The push-together two part construction of the insert is shown here. The two parts were pushed together in a specially shaped tool set that compressed the thin skirt on the female part into a recess cut into the male part. The failure test for this component required that the mated parts resist a separating force of 300kg. The two part design was dictated by the small size of the 2mm exit orifice and the funnel shaped introduction to the exit orifice. In the case of the other three standard inserts, the large 6mm exit orifice allowed a sub 6mm milling cutter, with a thin support shaft and a top chamfer, to be used in such a way that the area below the exit orifice could be undercut to create an injector cavity with a diameter larger than the 6mm entry point.
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