Specification for fuel injector inserts showing orifice size, type, and A to E echelon position. Peenemünde document dated 30th October 1943. Of note on this document is the combination of high and low volume injector inserts (3304D and 3305D) in the echelon E position of the 12 cups comprising outer ring I. It shows that each cup or pot on this outer ring had 16 inserts at the lowermost position E with 12 of the inserts with three inlet apertures (3305D) and 6 with only two inlet apertures (3304D being lower flow volume) positioned in the segment covering 165 degrees and closest to the outside edge of the head. HAP11 (Heimat-Artillerie-Park 11, AKA armament code: mpe), drawing number 4554D, Deutsches Museum München
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