Klein Schanzlin & Becker centrifug-pump advert

Klein Schanzlin & Becker electric centrifugal-pump advert.
Album: Turbopump parts and relics
Categories: Sub-assemblies
Klein Schanzlin & Becker electric centrifugal-pump advert.
Album: Turbopump parts and relics
Categories: Sub-assemblies
Early belt powered centrifugal pump by Klein Schanzlin & Becker. This schematic shows an early 20th century centrifugal pump designed and manufactured by KSB. The drawing appears to show auto-purge pathways at points marked C as well continuous lubrication pathways at B. Both of these important ideas would later feature in the propellant pump of the A4-V2 missile.
Album: Turbopump parts and relics
Categories: Sub-assemblies
Trade advertisement for Klein Schanzlin & Becker (KSB supplier code ebb). KSB were the primary contractor for A4-V2 missile’s steam turbine driven dual propellant pump system.
Album: Turbopump parts and relics
Categories: Sub-assemblies
Large industrial volute case centrifugal pump by Klein Schanzlin & Becker. This image highlights the ‘genetic’similarity and family resemblance between KSB’s current and historical product range and the visible features of the A4-V2 missile Turbo-Pump (TP). Apart from the general shape of the cast spiral-volute case and its connection flanges, the ‘soft’ shaft connection (disk with holes on the extreme left of the pump) is very reminiscent of the semi-flexible shaft connection point linking one side the steam turbine rotor shaft to the shaft carrying a propellent pump rotor seen in the A4-V2 missile TP. Family photo? Industrial volute case centrifugal pump by KSB
Album: Turbopump parts and relics
Categories: Sub-assemblies
Cover of catalogue published in 1880 showing the KSB product range
Album: Turbopump parts and relics
Categories: Sub-assemblies
Copyright: V2 Rocket History