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V2 Rocket standard screw-fit fuel Injector Insert 3304D 1944

V2 Rocket standard screw-fit fuel Injector Insert 3304D 1944

HAP11 drawing of standard 3304D fuel injector screw insert. showing details of primary swirl cavity and orrifice and all additional apertures including the four small cooling pores. HAP11 (Heimat-Artillerie-Park 11, AKA armament code: mpe), drawing number 4554D, Deutsches Museum München

Album: V2 rocket fuel injector inserts

Categories: Combustion Propellant flow

Tags: #Combustion and injection #Propellent injector system #V2 Technical Drawings

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HVP Drawing of diffuser system 1939

HVP Drawing of diffuser system 1939

HVP drawing no 1203D showing burner cup ‘diffuser system’ disposition for 19-pot head (at this stage the 25 ton thrust injector head had nineteen so called ‘pre-chambers’ or pots as no central fuel valve was present). HVP drawing dated 1939.

Album: V2 rocket fuel injector inserts

Categories: Combustion Propellant flow

Tags: #Combustion and injection #Propellent injector system #V2 Technical Drawings

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Drawing of fuel nozzle Insert 1113E 1939

Drawing of fuel nozzle Insert 1113E 1939

Drawing from the Army Experimental Station Peenemünde dated 1939. The specification describes an insert template that could be used for a range of outlet and inlet orifice sizes. The German text beginning (eingedrehte …) translates as ‘Center-line of screw used for holes to be drilled later’, and the hole dimensions are not specified on this document. HVP drawing number 1113 E, Deutsches Museum München

Album: V2 rocket fuel injector inserts

Categories: Combustion Propellant flow

Tags: #Combustion and injection #Propellent injector system #V2 Technical Drawings

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Fuel injector specifications for 25 Ton 18-pot engine

Fuel injector specifications for 25 Ton 18-pot engine

Specification for fuel injector inserts showing orifice size, type, and A to E echelon position. Peenemünde document dated 30th October 1943. Of note on this document is the combination of high and low volume  injector inserts (3304D and 3305D) in the echelon E position of the 12 cups comprising outer ring I. It shows that each cup or pot on this outer ring had 16 inserts at the lowermost position E with 12 of the inserts with three inlet apertures (3305D) and 6 with only two inlet apertures (3304D being lower flow volume) positioned in the segment covering 165 degrees and closest to the outside edge of the head. HAP11 (Heimat-Artillerie-Park 11, AKA armament code: mpe), drawing number 4554D, Deutsches Museum München

Album: V2 rocket fuel injector inserts

Categories: Combustion

Tags: #Combustion and injection #Propellent injector system #V2 Technical Drawings