Drawing 5800 A – Turbo-pump Assembly 1 March 1944

Drawing 5800 A – Turbo-pump Assembly 1 March 1944. (Digipeer.de image)
Album: V2 rocket turbo-pump
Categories: Turbo-pump
Drawing 5800 A – Turbo-pump Assembly 1 March 1944. (Digipeer.de image)
Album: V2 rocket turbo-pump
Categories: Turbo-pump
Drawing 5742 B – Steam Tubine Assembly showing part/drawing numbers. (Digipeer.de image)
Album: V2 rocket turbo-pump
Categories: Turbo-pump
Drawing Number: 5741 D3 showing B (fuel) pump centrifugal impeller mpe drawing dated April 1944. mpe original drawing (Digipeer.de image)
Album: V2 rocket turbo-pump
Categories: Turbo-pump
Original mpe 1944 drawing number 3207 C of main fuel valave. (mpe = Heimat-Artillerie-Park Karlshagen, Werk Nord Peenemünde).
Album: Valves
Categories: Propellant flow
The injector head section of the 4B 1000kg thrust rocket engine is a precursor to the injector pot or ‘pre-chamber’ design used later for each of the 18-pots of the 25-ton V2 rocket engine. Most of the essential ingredients are shown in this drawing from 1940. Drawing no 1848E Deutsches Museum München online archive ref FA 014/12829
Album: V2 rocket fuel injector inserts
Categories: Combustion
Copyright: V2 Rocket History