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V2 rocket fuel injector inserts

V2 rocket fuel injector inserts

V2 fuel injector inserts 3303D, 3304D, and 3305D for injector pot echelons D and E. Photo shows swirl inlet aperture size and position.The total number of each insert type is shown, each of the 18 pots carried a total of 44 inserts. An additional 24 feed holes were drilled into the burner cup, occupying two rows B and C having 12 holes each. V2RH image

Album: V2 rocket fuel injector inserts

Categories: Combustion

Tags: #Combustion and injection #Propellent injector system #V2 Missile relics

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V2 Combustion chamber

V2 Combustion chamber

Wreckage of V2 combustion chamber with a tangle of connection pipes laying in a garden in Southern England – winter 1944. The censor has obscured the background to avoid providing the enemy with useful information. The injection head shows two connected lock ‘spanners’ securing the nuts of oxygen inlet pipes. Prior to impact all 18 of the LOX pipe input nuts would have been secured by these lightweight pressed steel ‘spanners’.

Categories: V2 Missile relics

Tags: #V2 Missile relics #Combustion and injection