Klein Schanzlin Oddesse Turbo-Pump schema 1940

Signatur FA 014/21241 (Digipeer.de image)
Album: Turbopump parts and relics
Categories: Sub-assemblies
Signatur FA 014/21241 (Digipeer.de image)
Album: Turbopump parts and relics
Categories: Sub-assemblies
V2 rocket turbo-pump preliminary dimension sheet for O series, drawing. Many of the final elements of the turbo-pump design can be seen in this ‘preliminary’ drawing and table form 1941. The word lieferfirma in the data box btm right mean supply company – and this is indicated to be KSB or Klein Schanzlin & Becker AG, Frankenthal. Signatur FA 014/14769
(Digipeer.de image)
Album: Turbopump parts and relics
Categories: Sub-assemblies
Centrifugal impeller for A or liquid oxygen (LOX) pump. The drawing originated in Aug 1943 and was superseded in December 1944. A key to the image hatching can be seen with the label ‘Hochbeansprucht’ which in English means Highly Stressed. Next to the drawing numbers two secret three letter armament codes can be seen indicating the ‘origination’ of the document. The top one mpe = Heimat Artillerie Park 11 (HAP or Army Artillery Range). The lower code ebb = Klein Schanzlin & Becker AG, Frankenthal.
Signatur FA 014/02542 (Digipeer.de image)
Album: Turbopump parts and relics
Categories: Sub-assemblies
Signatur FA 014/02537
Abmessungen: 42,9×59,8
Album: Turbopump parts and relics
Categories: Sub-assemblies
Signatur FA 014/02534
Abmessungen: 60,5×82,9
Album: Turbopump parts and relics
Categories: Sub-assemblies
Copyright: V2 Rocket History