This picture shows Robert Dalby collecting GPS data with a mapping camera just North of the East end of the Admin office rail platform (near the ruins of the small admin/F1 heat distribution hub building). In all of our explorations we routinely collect GPS track and data points to be able to accurately locate finds and establish a precise correlation between areas of interest identified on historical reconnaissance photography and the modern ground terrain. In the picture Robert is pointing a Contour video camera at details of the terrain that automatically captures the camera’s GPS location information. This data can then be combined with satellite imagery, via Google maps, and provide a detailed graphic mapping track alongside the video footage.
Album: Peenemünde research: Werk Süd (South works) region
Categories: Peenemünde-Usedom-locations
Tags: #Fertigungshalle Eins (F1) #HAP #Peenemünde #Werk Sud (South Works)