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V2 combustion chamber 1944

V2 combustion chamber 1944

V2 engine part from a missile fired from Walcheren, Serooskerke, Vrederust, by battery no 444, at around 7am on September 17th 1944. The missile impacted East Ham with a direct hit on houses. Killing 6 people with 15 seriously injured. Much of the rocket debris was taken to the East Ham police station for examination by the military authorities. Information porovided by

Album: A4-V2 Injection head, combustion chamber, and nozzle

Categories: Combustion

Tags: #Combustion and injection #V2 in combat #V2 Missile relics

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Examination of V2 thrust chamber

Examination of V2 thrust chamber

Examination of V2 missile thrust chamber. Sections of two of the large bore aluminium alcohol inlet manifold feed pipes and two thin steel veil colling supply pipes are still attached. The distinctive heat expansion relief loop can be seen on one of the pipes.

Album: A4-V2 Injection head, combustion chamber, and nozzle

Categories: V2 Missile relics

Tags: #Combustion and injection #Thrust chamber #V2 Missile relics

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Injector pots V2 combat missile – Feb 1945.

Injector pots V2 combat missile - Feb 1945.

Image shows interior of production series (combat relic) V2 missile propellent injector pre-mixer pots. Three post in the picture are intact, others seem in the picture have been destroyed in the impact. This engine part was recovered from a combat impact East of London. Impact date: February 1945

Album: A4-V2 Injection head, combustion chamber, and nozzle

Categories: Combustion V2 Missile relics

Tags: #Combustion and injection #Propellent injector system #V2 Missile relics