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14 B-Pump sub-assembly elevation: impeller

14 B-Pump sub-assembly elevation: impeller

B (fuel) pump sub-assembly elevation view showing sectioned casing to reveal centrifugal pump impeller (in light purple for visibility). Outlet to left. The centrifugal pump impeller has been sectioned to remove one impeller face and reveal the curved vanes. The hub pass holes and end view of splined shaft are also shown. The spiral volute shape is very clear in this image. 3D model Ray Matter

Album: Turbopump 3D CAD

Categories: Turbo-pump

Tags: #3D CAD models

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10 B-Pump sub-assembly:outlet flange

10 B-Pump sub-assembly:outlet flange

B-Pump sub-assembly close-up showing fuel outlet flange. Note the three fine rings milled into the flange face. The rings were designed to improve keying for the ‘putty’ that was used to seal the connection between the flange face and the flow choke. Both faces of the choke and top face of the fuel outflow connector had similar rings. 3D model Ray Matter

Album: Turbopump 3D CAD

Categories: Turbo-pump

Tags: #3D CAD models