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Over-speed trip switch: exposed

Over-speed trip switch: exposed

Detail of fuel pump face plate showing over-speed switch and mounting. The eccentric centrifugal rotor can be seen (brass coloured part). This unbalanced part rotates against a spring load that allows the thicker (proportionally heavier) section of the rotor to move outwards from the center as the rotational speed rises and push the release rod clear of a keyed section of the plunger shaft (part with disc shaped knob on left) thus operating a relay switch that shuts down the flow of steam to the turbine. 3D model Ray Matter

Album: Turbopump 3D CAD

Categories: Turbo-pump

Tags: #3D CAD models

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Detail of over-speed trip

Detail of over-speed trip

Detail of fuel pump face plate showing over-speed switch and mounting. The switch plunger (part with disc shaped hand knob on left) is shown in the out or armed position. The RPM of the tubo-pump (TP) was not governed but this safety mechanism shut the TP down permanently when the RPM reached 5000. Although rarely changed, thin shims could be used to reduce or increase this speed. 3D model Ray Matter

Album: Turbopump 3D CAD

Categories: Turbo-pump

Tags: #3D CAD models

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15 B-Pump sub-assembly: impeller

15 B-Pump sub-assembly: impeller

B (fuel) pump sub-assembly showing sectioned casing to reveal centrifugal pump impeller (in light purple for visibility). Outlet to top right. The centrifugal pump rotor has been sectioned to remove one impeller face and reveal the curved vanes.The shaft and spiral volute space shape is very clear in this image. 3D model Ray Matter

Album: Turbopump 3D CAD

Categories: Turbo-pump

Tags: #3D CAD models