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V2 missile debris field SE of F1

V2 missile debris field SE of F1

This picture shows a small debris field of steel fragments from the V2 missile 130m South-East of F1, and just 20m to the North East of the foundations of a small heat distribution building. Various body and frame parts can be seen and in the middle foreground a 350mm segment of curved missile body ring is visible. These parts have almost certainly been dug up and exposed by the action of metal detectorists. The metal fragments have been abandoned by their finders as they are perceived to have no financial value and hence are not worth removing from the site.

Album: Peenemünde research: Werk Süd (South works) region

Categories: Peenemünde-Usedom-locations V2 Missile relics

Tags: #Fertigungshalle Eins (F1) #HAP #Peenemünde #Usedom #Werk Sud (South Works) #V2 Missile relics

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V2 missile debris near F1

V2 missile debris near F1

This picture shows a close up detail of parts in a small debris field of steel fragments from the V2 missile 130m South-East of F1, and just 20m to the North East of the foundations of a small heat distribution building. Various body and frame parts can be seen and in the upper left and two segments of curved missile body ring are visible. See previous.

Album: Peenemünde research: Werk Süd (South works) region

Categories: Peenemünde-Usedom-locations V2 Missile relics

Tags: #Fertigungshalle Eins (F1) #HAP #Peenemünde #Werk Sud (South Works) #V2 Missile relics

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V2 missile relics in F1 factory prisoner ‘free movement’ area

V2 missile relics in F1 factory prisoner 'free movement' area

V2 missile parts in F1 prisoner turn-out or ‘free movement’ area. The location referred to is a large triangular shaped area situated on the South-East side of the pre-propuction hall Fertigungshalle Eins (F1). The area was fenced off with a high barbed wire fence (a portion of which was electrified) with guard towers every 60 metres.

Album: Peenemünde research: Werk Süd (South works) region

Categories: Peenemünde-Usedom-locations V2 Missile relics

Tags: #Fertigungshalle Eins (F1) #V2 Missile relics #Werk Sud (South Works)

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V2 Light-Beam radio environment case relic South of F1

V2 Light-Beam radio environment case relic South of F1

The photo shows a Lichtstrahl empfänger (In English: Light-beam receiver) environmental protection case, originally one of a group of 40 or so we first found in 2010 abandon in an area adjacent to the train platform for the administration block. On subsequent visits this number has declined to just ten or so, mostly very decayed examples. The environmental casing was vital to the Lorentz Light-Beam equipment on-board the V2 missile as the critical radio frequency would otherwise drift with the large change in temperature as the missile climbed into the stratosphere. The case was thickly insulated with rock wool or fibre-glass strands and designed to help maintain a stable temperature – indeed, the same temperature as the radio equipment was when at ground level when calibration and adjustment was completed before launch. The F1 pre-production hall is located about 200m North-West of the point where this photo was taken. Scroll down to see map below (click map and switch to ‘satellite view’ for clearer indication of location).

Album: Peenemünde research: Werk Süd (South works) region

Categories: Peenemünde-Usedom-locations V2 Missile relics

Tags: #light beam device #V2 Missile relics