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V2 combustion chamber 1944

V2 combustion chamber 1944

V2 engine part from a missile fired from Walcheren, Serooskerke, Vrederust, by battery no 444, at around 7am on September 17th 1944. The missile impacted East Ham with a direct hit on houses. Killing 6 people with 15 seriously injured. Much of the rocket debris was taken to the East Ham police station for examination by the military authorities. Information porovided by

Album: A4-V2 Injection head, combustion chamber, and nozzle

Categories: Combustion

Tags: #Combustion and injection #V2 in combat #V2 Missile relics

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Injector pots V2 combat missile – Feb 1945.

Injector pots V2 combat missile - Feb 1945.

Image shows interior of production series (combat relic) V2 missile propellent injector pre-mixer pots. Three post in the picture are intact, others seem in the picture have been destroyed in the impact. This engine part was recovered from a combat impact East of London. Impact date: February 1945

Album: A4-V2 Injection head, combustion chamber, and nozzle

Categories: Combustion V2 Missile relics

Tags: #Combustion and injection #Propellent injector system #V2 Missile relics