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The Enigmas

A schematic drawing of the Askania rudder servo ‘Rudermaschine LRM 3’showing the critical compact dimentions of the device making it ideal for retro fit projects for smaller aircraft.

Photo shows cast aluminium thrust ring with electro-hydraulic servos in position. Note different crank lever shapes (pale green arm on servo) for fins 1/3 and 2/4 This excellent restoration is the work of Horst Beck. Photo copyright: The Horst Beck Collection

Photo shows a unique display at the Horst Beck Collection (HBC). Over many years Mr Horst Beck has painstakingly acquired and restored many A4-V2 missile parts – and in some cases, reassembled them into complete sub-assemblies. Shown here is part of the collection’s hydraulic servos and trim motor parts display. In the foreground we see four hydraulic servos, and behind them their A frame mounting ‘chairs’. The top shelf, from left to right, shows a servo with motor removed (and placed on its right). In the middle, two trim motors and chain sprocket gear-boxes for the aerodynamic trim surfaces on the trailing edge tips of fins 2 and 4. Next the pale green crank levers, the first longer one is for the hydraulic servo that controls the jet vanes and trimmers on fins 1 and 3. The shorter version minus the top horn, is used on the servos for fins 2 and 4. The last, silver coloured item,os a servo stabiliser (all the servos shown have one already fitted). Photo copyright: The Horst Beck Collection

Wreckage of hydraulic servo from fin 2 or 4 of V2 missile that fell on a farm in Essex in March 1945. The motor has been removed and we can see details of the oil gear pump and valve control gear. The 3 position electromagnetic relay switch is visible at the 7 to 8 o’clock position within the open aperture. The push rod that connects the relay to the gear pump valves is also visible as a short brown coloured rod with a fine wire connector at each end, running in towards the gear-valves from the 9 o’clock position. The point that provides electrical current for the motor (which runs all the time and in one direction only) can be seen at the three o’clock position. The black housing has two sets of brass tongues that receive the matching brass spades mounted on the base of the motor for power input. The motor drive shaft has a female square socket coupling to connect the motor to the middle drive gear of the gear pump. A small portion of the square drive shaft of the central gear can just be seen in the photo – in the centre of the valve control block.

Hydraulic servo from fin 1 or 3 of the V2 missile, collected with other debris following a combat impact.

This collection of parts were all found in vicinity of the Nordhausen manufacturing facility. parts include servo crankcase caps -top left, electro-magnetic switch installation plate – middle top, crank bearing covers – top right, gear pump blocks with base – centre, and crank-shaft, piston rod, and hydraulic piston – btm left. The deep recess on the piston circumference is for a rubber seal and is an interesting variation in ring seal design (at least 4 variations of piston design were employed, with three designs flown on combat missiles). A valve tilt seat is visible a little to the right of the piston. A broken servo mount stabiliser is shown – middle right. The cast piston rod, top right, has not been drilled and milled – the part is ‘raw’ as supplied by the manufacturer before machining has been completed. Normally the manufacturer’s details are machined off the metalwork – but not in this rare case. The three letter code gfa is clearly visible on the part and stands for the firm of Otto Fuchs Metallwerke.

Two Askania (designed) hydraulic gear pumps – the examples shown here have two ceramic insulators with with Nichrome wire type heating elements. The heaters are located at each end of the pump on the long axis. The pump on the right still has its power supply wires attached and was easily repaired and restored to full function in our workshop.This type of pump (with heaters) seem to be rare among the debris of European combat impact sites but fairly common in debris collections emanating from research flights in Peenemünde and parts of Poland. An explanation maybe that the oil could be warmed up sufficiently simply by starting all four hydraulic gear pumps sooner in the pre-launch sequence. The only downside being that the already noisey missile would be making yet more noise in the risky period leading up to launch.

Close-up of Askania gear pump relic with oil heaters. This picture shows an unusual feature on the otherwise normal cast aluminium base of this gear pump. The knurled knob positioned between the oil flow balance adjusters has a purpose that is unknown to us. The two oil-flow balance adjuster valves visible in the picture have slot head adjuster screws and you can also see the knurled circumference on each screw. This parallel knurling is engaged by a crease formed in the facing surface of the copper spring strips. The function of these strips is to create tactile feedback that the technician making the adjustment can feel in the handle of the screwdriver. This was done because the gear pump needed to be adjusted in a dark and narrowly confined space.

Gear pump showing flow adjusters (two slot head screws nearest bottom of picture) and ceramic heater elements situated at each end of the block. The square drive shaft coupler (corroded but still identifiable) has been highlighted in red paint. The open holes either side are the main control valve guides. The copper spring strips visible on each oil flow adjuster provide locking and tactile feed-back for the adjusting process. This relic was recovered from Usedom island.

Hydraulic gear pump with close up detail showing ceramic heater element insulators with flat, possibly nichome, metal strip element threaded through them. This oil heating system was designed to maintain a specific viscosity of the oil regardless of environmental temperature, to better maintain oil flow rates and thus pump efficiency. The heating system is found only rarely on surviving relics.

Photo shows a flown graphite jet vane complete with mounting plate and fasteners as well as pre-flight centre index tip. V2 relic from the Horst Beck Collection (HBC). Photo copyright: The Horst Beck Collection

V2 missile graphite jet vane defector replica made for V2 Rocket History.

V2 missile graphite jet vane defector replica made for V2 Rocket History. This accurate replica shows the distinctive pantograph mill tool ‘witness’ marks well.

Photo shows four restored graphite jet vane support blocks and bearing housings. The round plates we can see here act as heat sinks and allow heat to radiate away from the support block and bearing to help prevent expansion due to relatively rapid and uneven temperature distribution accumulation. The graphite vanes were quite brittle and cracking caused by rapid and uneven expansion could cause the vane to disintegrate. The area around the graphite vanes was exposed to the accumulation of heat not merely as a result of duration of the motor burn time but temperature was also increased at higher rates as the jet plume expanded with the decreasing atmospheric pressure as the missile gained altitude. This excellent restoration is the work of Horst Beck. Photo copyright: The Horst Beck Collection

Photo shows restored air-rudder and fin detail. The grey painted barrel-strainers are both adjusted independently to reduce slack in the drive chain and avoid introducing a deflection bias in the air rudder. The 1.9kg counterbalance weight normally located at the top of the trim fin (or air rudder) is missing in this presentation. This excellent restoration is the work of Horst Beck. Photo copyright: The Horst Beck Collection

Photo shows partially restored air-rudder and fin detail. The image on the left shows the relationship of the trim motor to the air rudder drive shaft on fins 2 and 4. A chain similar in gauge to the type used on a push-bike and yet, at the other end of the shaft, the chain transmitting the torque of the trim motor to the air-rudder drive sprocket has a heavy gauge chain similar to that found on a 1000CC motor-cycle! This excellent restoration is the work of Horst Beck. Photo copyright: The Horst Beck Collection

F1: Fertigungshalle Eins

Equipment bays

Image shows a correctly formed nebular cone attended by a fine mist. the four injector cooling jets are well shown, and although fluid beading can be seen on the face of the injector, there is insufficient liquid to cause dripping.

3305D injector insert showing comparison nebular and jet stream pattern with high and low pressure. Top image shows correct hollow cone-shaped aerosol effect, from central 6mm orifice, that is also creating a fine mist around and within the cone, and steady steams emanating from cooling pores. Bottom image shows the effect of reduced pressure: a dropping poorly formed cone, composed of larger slower moving droplets, and a tendency for the thicker spray to combine and cause ‘dribbeling’ with much fluid failing to clear the injector face – unlike the image above, where the injector face is clear of drips.

3305D fuel njector insert showing comparison nebular and jet stream pattern with high and low pressure. Left image shows correct hollow cone-shaped aerosol effect from central 6mm orifice, that is also creating a fine mist around and within the cone, and 4 steady steams emanating from cooling pores. Right image shows the effect of reduced pressure: a dropping poorly formed cone, composed of larger slower moving droplets, and a tendency for the thicker spray to combine and cause ‘dribbeling’ with much fluid failing to clear the injector face.

3305D fuel injector insert showing swirl cone nebular, and 4 steady steams emanating from cooling pores.

3304D higher volume injector insert (with central jet) showing comparison nebular and jet stream pattern with high and low pressure. Top image shows correct hollow cone-shaped aerosol effect from central 6mm orifice, that is also creating a fine mist around and within the cone, and strong single central (non-swirl) jet can be seen as well as 4 steady steams emanating from cooling pores. Bottom image shows the effect of reduced pressure: a dropping poorly formed cone, composed of larger slower moving droplets, and a tendency for the thicker spray to combine and cause ‘dribbeling’ with much fluid failing to clear the injector face. The appearance of central jet however seem largely unchanged.

3304D higher volume fuel injector insert (with three inlet apertures: 2 swirl, 1 jet) showing swirl cone nebular, steady central jet, and 4 steady steams emanating from cooling pores.

Each burner cup of the V2 rocket engine injector system has forty-four brass inserts, but each cup also has twenty-four 2mm diameter plain holes, 30 deg apart, drilled into the cup’s central wall. To mimic this for testing purposes, we created a brass insert that has a base with just a 2mm central hole. The base is sized to be consistent with the 4 to 5mm cup wall. V2RH image

3305D injector insert showing larger low-velocity droplets and ‘dribbly’ performance due to insufficient pressure. The cone shaped aerosol is not functioning. Broken streams can be seem emanating from the four cooling pores.

Single fuel injector water test rig showing a 3305D bress insert about to be tightened home using a pin-wrench. V2RH image

Single nozzle insert test rig used by V2 Rocket History to test spray shape and volume at supply pressures consistent with fuel pressures specified for the injector head of summer 1944. The test system features an adjustable pressure regulator and fluid pressure gauge. For test purposes the device was simply connected to a relatively high pressure mains water supply. And although water does not have the same viscosity of the 75% Ethenol to 25% water mix of the V2’s fuel it was considered close enough by the German technicians, who regularly used plain water as a substitute when testing issues related to furl flow rather than combustion. A 2131E fuel injector insert is shown installed in the holder at the front of the rig, but as the thread was the same on all inserts the nozzle can be changed for other models easily with aid of a pin spanner. See video for a demonstration of this simple test system.

Single nozzle insert test rig used by V2 Rocket History to test spray shape and volume at fluid supply pressures consistent with fuel pressures specified for the injector head of summer 1944. A 2131E fuel injector insert is installed in the holder at the front of the test rig, but as the thread was the same on all inserts the nozzle can be changed for other models easily with aid of a pin spanner. See video for a demonstration of this simple test system.

The chart shows water delivery in litres per minute per injector
Album | Testing fuel injectors |
Categories | Combustion, Propellant flow |

V2 rocket engine fuel injector inserts – a part of our collection used for the water tests with various types shown. The tool shown is a pin-wrench used to fit the inserts into the test apparatus. V2RH collection image

Standard fuel injector inserts for production series 18-pot injector head. Insert 1 (3304D/3305D) shows four thin wires demonstrating the angles of all four ‘cooling’ pores. Insert 2 (3305D/2131E) has two 1.3mm twist drill showing the edge bores for the gyroscopic swirl inlets. Insert 3 (3305D) shows another view of the cooling pore angle and origin. V2RH image

V2 Fuel Injector insert: part code 2131E from injector pot echelon A (nearest to LOX spray head). The push-together two part construction of the insert is shown here. The two parts were pushed together in a specially shaped tool set that compressed the thin skirt on the female part into a recess cut into the male part. The failure test for this component required that the mated parts resist a separating force of 300kg. The two part design was dictated by the small size of the 2mm exit orifice and the funnel shaped introduction to the exit orifice. In the case of the other three standard inserts, the large 6mm exit orifice allowed a sub 6mm milling cutter, with a thin support shaft and a top chamfer, to be used in such a way that the area below the exit orifice could be undercut to create an injector cavity with a diameter larger than the 6mm entry point.

Fuel injector inserts for production series 18-pot injector head showing general shape and thread position. For further details see associated image. The lowermost insert have been halved to reveal the cavity shape, orifice edge, inlet and cooling apertures. V2RH image

Missile guidance equipment
Images of guidance and missile control equiment

Images of guidance and missile control equiment

LEV-3 V2 missile gyroscope system with mounting plate. The third component of this system, the Muller gyroscopic accelerometer, is missing – the 2x mounting points can be seen on the right-hand side of the mounting plate.