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Turbopump 3D CAD
3D CAD model images of the A4/V2 rocket engine’s steam turbine powered propellent pumps – all images by Ray Matter. To see Ray Matter’s blog 3D CAD modelling the V2 rocket turbopump introducing these images, just click the link.

Examination of V2 missile thrust chamber. Sections of two of the large bore aluminium alcohol inlet manifold feed pipes and two thin steel veil colling supply pipes are still attached. The distinctive heat expansion relief loop can be seen on one of the pipes.

Recovered from Great Warley impact: February 1945. This chamber has a production use order number of 33 painted crudely on topmost segment. This number, to indicate rank in batch, was added shortly after manufacture to ensure the chamber was selected by the missile assembly crews in the correct order; that is on a newest-last basis to make sure that the oldest chambers were employed in missile construction operations first.

Images of the main valves involved in the propellant flow of the A4 / V2 liquid fuelled rocket engine

Images of the main valves involved in the propellant flow of the A4 / V2 liquid fuelled rocket engine
Relic of main alcohol valve with manufacturer code aeq (aeq = Bartoc & Co., Maschinenfabrik u. Giesserei Hedwikow,bei Caslau (Caslav) Czech Republic). An air (nitrogen) inlet pressure of 440 to 530 psi (30 to 36 Bar) was required to close this valve against its internal spring and the force of the turbo-pump. The large nut at the top is the connection for the fuel return (or ‘revolving’line) pipe, and the air and electrical input ports can be seen to the right (air), and left (elec.) just below this point. V2RH image

Anatomy of the V2: 18-pot injector head

Image shows a correctly formed nebular cone attended by a fine mist. the four injector cooling jets are well shown, and although fluid beading can be seen on the face of the injector, there is insufficient liquid to cause dripping.

3305D injector insert showing comparison nebular and jet stream pattern with high and low pressure. Top image shows correct hollow cone-shaped aerosol effect, from central 6mm orifice, that is also creating a fine mist around and within the cone, and steady steams emanating from cooling pores. Bottom image shows the effect of reduced pressure: a dropping poorly formed cone, composed of larger slower moving droplets, and a tendency for the thicker spray to combine and cause ‘dribbeling’ with much fluid failing to clear the injector face – unlike the image above, where the injector face is clear of drips.

3305D fuel njector insert showing comparison nebular and jet stream pattern with high and low pressure. Left image shows correct hollow cone-shaped aerosol effect from central 6mm orifice, that is also creating a fine mist around and within the cone, and 4 steady steams emanating from cooling pores. Right image shows the effect of reduced pressure: a dropping poorly formed cone, composed of larger slower moving droplets, and a tendency for the thicker spray to combine and cause ‘dribbeling’ with much fluid failing to clear the injector face.

3305D fuel injector insert showing swirl cone nebular, and 4 steady steams emanating from cooling pores.

3304D higher volume injector insert (with central jet) showing comparison nebular and jet stream pattern with high and low pressure. Top image shows correct hollow cone-shaped aerosol effect from central 6mm orifice, that is also creating a fine mist around and within the cone, and strong single central (non-swirl) jet can be seen as well as 4 steady steams emanating from cooling pores. Bottom image shows the effect of reduced pressure: a dropping poorly formed cone, composed of larger slower moving droplets, and a tendency for the thicker spray to combine and cause ‘dribbeling’ with much fluid failing to clear the injector face. The appearance of central jet however seem largely unchanged.

3304D higher volume fuel injector insert (with three inlet apertures: 2 swirl, 1 jet) showing swirl cone nebular, steady central jet, and 4 steady steams emanating from cooling pores.

Each burner cup of the V2 rocket engine injector system has forty-four brass inserts, but each cup also has twenty-four 2mm diameter plain holes, 30 deg apart, drilled into the cup’s central wall. To mimic this for testing purposes, we created a brass insert that has a base with just a 2mm central hole. The base is sized to be consistent with the 4 to 5mm cup wall. V2RH image

3305D injector insert showing larger low-velocity droplets and ‘dribbly’ performance due to insufficient pressure. The cone shaped aerosol is not functioning. Broken streams can be seem emanating from the four cooling pores.

Single fuel injector water test rig showing a 3305D bress insert about to be tightened home using a pin-wrench. V2RH image

Single nozzle insert test rig used by V2 Rocket History to test spray shape and volume at supply pressures consistent with fuel pressures specified for the injector head of summer 1944. The test system features an adjustable pressure regulator and fluid pressure gauge. For test purposes the device was simply connected to a relatively high pressure mains water supply. And although water does not have the same viscosity of the 75% Ethenol to 25% water mix of the V2’s fuel it was considered close enough by the German technicians, who regularly used plain water as a substitute when testing issues related to furl flow rather than combustion. A 2131E fuel injector insert is shown installed in the holder at the front of the rig, but as the thread was the same on all inserts the nozzle can be changed for other models easily with aid of a pin spanner. See video for a demonstration of this simple test system.

Single nozzle insert test rig used by V2 Rocket History to test spray shape and volume at fluid supply pressures consistent with fuel pressures specified for the injector head of summer 1944. A 2131E fuel injector insert is installed in the holder at the front of the test rig, but as the thread was the same on all inserts the nozzle can be changed for other models easily with aid of a pin spanner. See video for a demonstration of this simple test system.

The chart shows water delivery in litres per minute per injector
Album | Testing fuel injectors |
Categories | Combustion, Propellant flow |

V2 rocket engine fuel injector inserts – a part of our collection used for the water tests with various types shown. The tool shown is a pin-wrench used to fit the inserts into the test apparatus. V2RH collection image

Standard fuel injector inserts for production series 18-pot injector head. Insert 1 (3304D/3305D) shows four thin wires demonstrating the angles of all four ‘cooling’ pores. Insert 2 (3305D/2131E) has two 1.3mm twist drill showing the edge bores for the gyroscopic swirl inlets. Insert 3 (3305D) shows another view of the cooling pore angle and origin. V2RH image

V2 Fuel Injector insert: part code 2131E from injector pot echelon A (nearest to LOX spray head). The push-together two part construction of the insert is shown here. The two parts were pushed together in a specially shaped tool set that compressed the thin skirt on the female part into a recess cut into the male part. The failure test for this component required that the mated parts resist a separating force of 300kg. The two part design was dictated by the small size of the 2mm exit orifice and the funnel shaped introduction to the exit orifice. In the case of the other three standard inserts, the large 6mm exit orifice allowed a sub 6mm milling cutter, with a thin support shaft and a top chamfer, to be used in such a way that the area below the exit orifice could be undercut to create an injector cavity with a diameter larger than the 6mm entry point.

Fuel injector inserts for production series 18-pot injector head showing general shape and thread position. For further details see associated image. The lowermost insert have been halved to reveal the cavity shape, orifice edge, inlet and cooling apertures. V2RH image

Testing fuel injectors

Categories: Peenemünde-Usedom-locations, V2 Missile relics

The photo shows a Lichtstrahl empfänger (In English: Light-beam receiver) environmental protection case, originally one of a group of 40 or so we first found in 2010 abandon in an area adjacent to the train platform for the administration block. On subsequent visits this number has declined to just ten or so, mostly very decayed examples. The environmental casing was vital to the Lorentz Light-Beam equipment on-board the V2 missile as the critical radio frequency would otherwise drift with the large change in temperature as the missile climbed into the stratosphere. The case was thickly insulated with rock wool or fibre-glass strands and designed to help maintain a stable temperature – indeed, the same temperature as the radio equipment was when at ground level when calibration and adjustment was completed before launch. The F1 pre-production hall is located about 200m North-West of the point where this photo was taken. Scroll down to see map below (click map and switch to ‘satellite view’ for clearer indication of location).