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Turbopump 3D CAD
3D CAD model images of the A4/V2 rocket engine’s steam turbine powered propellent pumps – all images by Ray Matter. To see Ray Matter’s blog 3D CAD modelling the V2 rocket turbopump introducing these images, just click the link.

LEV-3 V2 missile gyroscope system with mounting plate. The third component of this system, the Muller gyroscopic accelerometer, is missing – the 2x mounting points can be seen on the right-hand side of the mounting plate.
Album | Missile guidance equipment |
Categories | Missile guidence, Sub-assemblies |

Photo shows cast aluminium thrust ring with electro-hydraulic servos in position. Note different crank lever shapes (pale green arm on servo) for fins 1/3 and 2/4 This excellent restoration is the work of Horst Beck. Photo copyright: The Horst Beck Collection

Photo shows restored air-rudder and fin detail. The grey painted barrel-strainers are both adjusted independently to reduce slack in the drive chain and avoid introducing a deflection bias in the air rudder. The 1.9kg counterbalance weight normally located at the top of the trim fin (or air rudder) is missing in this presentation. This excellent restoration is the work of Horst Beck. Photo copyright: The Horst Beck Collection

Photo shows four restored graphite jet vane support blocks and bearing housings. The round plates we can see here act as heat sinks and allow heat to radiate away from the support block and bearing to help prevent expansion due to relatively rapid and uneven temperature distribution accumulation. The graphite vanes were quite brittle and cracking caused by rapid and uneven expansion could cause the vane to disintegrate. The area around the graphite vanes was exposed to the accumulation of heat not merely as a result of duration of the motor burn time but temperature was also increased at higher rates as the jet plume expanded with the decreasing atmospheric pressure as the missile gained altitude. This excellent restoration is the work of Horst Beck. Photo copyright: The Horst Beck Collection

Image shows allied soldier examining remains of V2 rocket turbo-pump after impact. The soldier is holding the steam turbine rotor – the large size of this part is well shown in this photo. The still lagged steam inlet manifold can be seen in the left foreground and the LOX outlet manifold (and valve, topmost) can be seen in the lower right corner.

Picture shows tubo-pump debris from impact site. LOX manifold clearly seen (3 in 1 outlet pipes, upper center of image – the one to its right, 2 o’clock position, and left, 11 o’clock position are both broken off).The LOX flow electric control valve is also well displayed in this image (LOX valve head is slightly low and left of center, part nearest camera). The electrical connection to the LOX valve has broken away leaving its empty socket pointing upwards and to the right.

A4 missile steam generator detail. This excellent presentation was rebuilt from original refurbished parts by Horst Beck. See our video article The V2 Rocket Turbo-Pump for a technical exposition of the parts shown in this photo. Image courtesy The Horst Beck Collection

Klein Schanzlin & Becker electric centrifugal-pump advert.

Early belt powered centrifugal pump by Klein Schanzlin & Becker. This schematic shows an early 20th century centrifugal pump designed and manufactured by KSB. The drawing appears to show auto-purge pathways at points marked C as well continuous lubrication pathways at B. Both of these important ideas would later feature in the propellant pump of the A4-V2 missile.

Trade advertisement for Klein Schanzlin & Becker (KSB supplier code ebb). KSB were the primary contractor for A4-V2 missile’s steam turbine driven dual propellant pump system.

Large industrial volute case centrifugal pump by Klein Schanzlin & Becker. This image highlights the ‘genetic’similarity and family resemblance between KSB’s current and historical product range and the visible features of the A4-V2 missile Turbo-Pump (TP). Apart from the general shape of the cast spiral-volute case and its connection flanges, the ‘soft’ shaft connection (disk with holes on the extreme left of the pump) is very reminiscent of the semi-flexible shaft connection point linking one side the steam turbine rotor shaft to the shaft carrying a propellent pump rotor seen in the A4-V2 missile TP. Family photo? Industrial volute case centrifugal pump by KSB

Cover of catalogue published in 1880 showing the KSB product range

This image shows a cutaway of an A4-V2 turbo-pump. The section reveals the Curtis type 2-stage steam-turbine rotor and you can also see part of the stater inserted between the blades (bottom middle) and the adjacent steam distribution pipe (black open pipe on stater’s immediate left). Top left, a centrifugal pump rotor can be seen – cut through, it shows a multi-splined shaft running through the centre, simple bearing and end-cap.

Electric industrial volute case centrifugal pump by Klein Schanzlin & Becker. This image highlights the ‘genetic’similarity and family resemblance between KSB’s current and historical product range and the visible features of the A4-V2 missile Turbo-Pump (TP). Assembly is shown being spray painted.

A Stoff (liquid oxygen) pump casing diagram showing stress points that require X ray quality control photography before use. The diagram shows the specific locations where photographic film is to be placed for X-ray analysis.

In this diagram the V2 Turbo-pump is shown in a cutaway presentation and rotated 90 degrees counter clockwise. The B stoff (fuel) pump is nearest the viewer – the over-speed device can be seen on the B stoff pump’s case end-plate. The low pressure inlet ports our shown to the left, and high-pressure outlet ports are on the right. The steam distribution manifold can be seen at the furthest point from the viewer – the steam inlet pipe flange can also be seen. The feed pipe from the steam generator attaches to thus flange.

This mpe* drawing from 1945 shows the individual steam buckets or blades (labeled A and C) mounted to the rim of the rotor disk. As well as the fixed (i.e. stationary) stater blade B, positioned such that blades A & C can pass either side of it. The steam expansion is well shown by the increasing surface area of the blades from A to C, and growing larger, from left where the high pressure super heated steam enters the turbine, to right where it exits the blade pathway and passes in to the exhaust outlet. The lower graphic shows the way the super-heated high pressure steam is passed from the initial A blade and deflected by the reversed B stator blade for its energy to to be harvested for a second time by the C rotor blade. * mpe is the secret three letter armament code for Karlshagen, Werk Nord (North Works).

This HVP technical drawing from October 1940, shows a proposal from the Oddesse company – the full title of this company is KLEIN SCHANZLIN ODDESSE GmbH. Klein, Schanzlin & Becker A.G. (waffenamt code: ebb) took over Oddessa in 1929 and the company became formally known as KLEIN SCHANZLIN-ODDESSE GmbH (code ebc) in 1939. (NB: The company name has nothing to do with a similar sounding place name Odessa. The Oddesse trading name was formed from the partnership of English engineer Oddie, and German businessman Hesse.). The dual centrifugal turbo-pump shown in the drawing is a variant of a high pressure fire-fighting pump manufactured by Oddesse. Note the off-center outflow ports – not also that the outlet flanges are still level at this stage. Note also the incorrect spelling of the company name in the details panel lower right. (Digipeer.de image)

Another HVP technical drawing from later in October 1940, shows further data from the KLEIN SCHANZLIN ODDESSE (ebc) company A4-V2 turbo-pump project. See previous image for company details. The dual centrifugal turbo-pump shown in the drawing is a variant of a high pressure fire-fighting pump manufactured by Oddesse. Note the off-center outlet ports. Note also the corrected spelling of the company name in the details panel lower right (see previous Oddesse image) and the small note below the top table that indicates that the pumps are from Oddesse (ODD) and the turbine from a company indicated as SSW. (Digipeer.de image)

Signatur FA 014/21241 (Digipeer.de image)

V2 rocket turbo-pump preliminary dimension sheet for O series, drawing. Many of the final elements of the turbo-pump design can be seen in this ‘preliminary’ drawing and table form 1941. The word lieferfirma in the data box btm right mean supply company – and this is indicated to be KSB or Klein Schanzlin & Becker AG, Frankenthal. Signatur FA 014/14769
(Digipeer.de image)

Centrifugal impeller for A or liquid oxygen (LOX) pump. The drawing originated in Aug 1943 and was superseded in December 1944. A key to the image hatching can be seen with the label ‘Hochbeansprucht’ which in English means Highly Stressed. Next to the drawing numbers two secret three letter armament codes can be seen indicating the ‘origination’ of the document. The top one mpe = Heimat Artillerie Park 11 (HAP or Army Artillery Range). The lower code ebb = Klein Schanzlin & Becker AG, Frankenthal.
Signatur FA 014/02542 (Digipeer.de image)

Signatur FA 014/02537
Abmessungen: 42,9×59,8

Images of the main valves involved in the propellant flow of the A4 / V2 liquid fuelled rocket engine

Images of the main valves involved in the propellant flow of the A4 / V2 liquid fuelled rocket engine
Relic of main alcohol valve with manufacturer code aeq (aeq = Bartoc & Co., Maschinenfabrik u. Giesserei Hedwikow,bei Caslau (Caslav) Czech Republic). An air (nitrogen) inlet pressure of 440 to 530 psi (30 to 36 Bar) was required to close this valve against its internal spring and the force of the turbo-pump. The large nut at the top is the connection for the fuel return (or ‘revolving’line) pipe, and the air and electrical input ports can be seen to the right (air), and left (elec.) just below this point. V2RH image

Anatomy of the V2: 18-pot injector head

A schematic drawing of the Askania rudder servo ‘Rudermaschine LRM 3’showing the critical compact dimentions of the device making it ideal for retro fit projects for smaller aircraft.

Control compartments 1 (upper) & 4 (lower) Image copyright Imperial War Museum
Album | Equipment bays |
Category | Missile guidence |

LEV-3 V2 missile gyroscope system with mounting plate. The third component of this system, the Muller gyroscopic accelerometer, is missing – the 2x mounting points can be seen on the right-hand side of the mounting plate.
Album | Missile guidance equipment |
Categories | Missile guidence, Sub-assemblies |

Photo shows rare surviving complete set of 8 lead acid battery cells from one of the V2 rocket’s 32 volt (100 amp) lead acid batteries. Two sets of batteries like this were used to provide the direct current (DC) voltage used aboard the V2 missile to power the DC to 3-phase alternating current (AC) generators, that in turn, powered the gyroscopes, electro-hydraulic servos, trim motors and other vital guidance and control devices. Photo copyright: The Horst Beck Collection

Photo shows a unique display at the Horst Beck Collection (HBC). Over many years Mr Horst Beck has painstakingly acquired and restored many A4-V2 missile parts – and in some cases, reassembled them into complete sub-assemblies. Shown here is part of the collection’s hydraulic servos and trim motor parts display. In the foreground we see four hydraulic servos, and behind them their A frame mounting ‘chairs’. The top shelf, from left to right, shows a servo with motor removed (and placed on its right). In the middle, two trim motors and chain sprocket gear-boxes for the aerodynamic trim surfaces on the trailing edge tips of fins 2 and 4. Next the pale green crank levers, the first longer one is for the hydraulic servo that controls the jet vanes and trimmers on fins 1 and 3. The shorter version minus the top horn, is used on the servos for fins 2 and 4. The last, silver coloured item,os a servo stabiliser (all the servos shown have one already fitted). Photo copyright: The Horst Beck Collection

Photo shows restored air-rudder and fin detail. The grey painted barrel-strainers are both adjusted independently to reduce slack in the drive chain and avoid introducing a deflection bias in the air rudder. The 1.9kg counterbalance weight normally located at the top of the trim fin (or air rudder) is missing in this presentation. This excellent restoration is the work of Horst Beck. Photo copyright: The Horst Beck Collection

Photo shows partially restored air-rudder and fin detail. The image on the left shows the relationship of the trim motor to the air rudder drive shaft on fins 2 and 4. A chain similar in gauge to the type used on a push-bike and yet, at the other end of the shaft, the chain transmitting the torque of the trim motor to the air-rudder drive sprocket has a heavy gauge chain similar to that found on a 1000CC motor-cycle! This excellent restoration is the work of Horst Beck. Photo copyright: The Horst Beck Collection

Photo shows four restored graphite jet vane support blocks and bearing housings. The round plates we can see here act as heat sinks and allow heat to radiate away from the support block and bearing to help prevent expansion due to relatively rapid and uneven temperature distribution accumulation. The graphite vanes were quite brittle and cracking caused by rapid and uneven expansion could cause the vane to disintegrate. The area around the graphite vanes was exposed to the accumulation of heat not merely as a result of duration of the motor burn time but temperature was also increased at higher rates as the jet plume expanded with the decreasing atmospheric pressure as the missile gained altitude. This excellent restoration is the work of Horst Beck. Photo copyright: The Horst Beck Collection

Photo shows rare surviving 1.2 volt cell from the V2 missile’s 50 volt command or signalling battery used in its gyro guidance system (note, the terminal connection on the left is missing from this exhibit, it would be identical to the one on the right). This wet nickel-cadmium battery cell was combined in pairs to a total set of 21 providing a 50.4 voltage at 300mA. The cells were contained in a wooden box that was held on a rack in equipment bay III. Its function was to provide the direct current (DC) signalling voltage that communicated the moment to moment resistance of the gyroscope’s potentiometers to the analog guidance computer (Mischgerät = Mixer-device or control amplifier) aboard the V2 missile. It was critical that the signalling voltage was maintained between 48 and 50.4 volts. Photo copyright: The Horst Beck Collection

Wreckage of hydraulic servo from fin 2 or 4 of V2 missile that fell on a farm in Essex in March 1945. The motor has been removed and we can see details of the oil gear pump and valve control gear. The 3 position electromagnetic relay switch is visible at the 7 to 8 o’clock position within the open aperture. The push rod that connects the relay to the gear pump valves is also visible as a short brown coloured rod with a fine wire connector at each end, running in towards the gear-valves from the 9 o’clock position. The point that provides electrical current for the motor (which runs all the time and in one direction only) can be seen at the three o’clock position. The black housing has two sets of brass tongues that receive the matching brass spades mounted on the base of the motor for power input. The motor drive shaft has a female square socket coupling to connect the motor to the middle drive gear of the gear pump. A small portion of the square drive shaft of the central gear can just be seen in the photo – in the centre of the valve control block.

The Muller mechanical or Pendulous Integrating Gyroscopic Accelerometer – today normally referred to as a PIGA. Designed by Fritz K Muller.

The J device no1 (J Gerate Eins). The full name of this device is: the Muller Pendulous (or mechanical) Integrating Gyroscopic Accelerometer – today normally referred to as a PIGA. The device, designed by Fritz K Muller, operates as a switch to initiate rocket engine shutdown and is able to smoothly record and accumulate every moment of acceleration, without any kind of recording resolution or discrete time interval limit, of the rocket’s entire motor burn phase, and at the same time process this accumulated acceleration with respect to time as a gradually increasing velocity. In the case of the V2 missile, when the correct predetermined velocity is reached, the velicity sufficient to achieve the desired range of the missile, the device trips the relays that close valves that shutdown the supply of steam to the turbo-pump, and thus shutdown the rocket motor itself.

Hydraulic servo from fin 1 or 3 of the V2 missile, collected with other debris following a combat impact.

Two Askania (designed) hydraulic gear pumps – the examples shown here have two ceramic insulators with with Nichrome wire type heating elements. The heaters are located at each end of the pump on the long axis. The pump on the right still has its power supply wires attached and was easily repaired and restored to full function in our workshop.This type of pump (with heaters) seem to be rare among the debris of European combat impact sites but fairly common in debris collections emanating from research flights in Peenemünde and parts of Poland. An explanation maybe that the oil could be warmed up sufficiently simply by starting all four hydraulic gear pumps sooner in the pre-launch sequence. The only downside being that the already noisey missile would be making yet more noise in the risky period leading up to launch.

Testing fuel injectors

Material related to the Fertigungshalle Eins (F1) pre-production plant (later simply, production plant) or support facilities like the IW Repair and Maintenance Hall or woodworking shop.

Photo showing Werk Süd with IW on the left and F1 on the right taken on 19th August 1943. The photo shows only light damage to the main halls, although F1 was actually hit at least 11 times, and hits to the separate single storey workshops to the right of the IW hall. The long storage (oil and paint?) shed above IW and the woodworking shop at the top of the picture appear undamaged. Anti-aircraft platforms (at least 3) can be seen on the roof of IW but that seem to be empty of guns. F1 shows two AAA platforms (there was at least 3 at this stage and maybe more) and they may have guns installed. General W. Dornberger mentions defensive AA artillery fire from the from the roof of F1 in his 1952 book V2 (1954 in English).