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Turbopump 3D CAD
3D CAD model images of the A4/V2 rocket engine’s steam turbine powered propellent pumps – all images by Ray Matter. To see Ray Matter’s blog 3D CAD modelling the V2 rocket turbopump introducing these images, just click the link.

Sectioned general assembly view of the V2 turbo-pump (TP) dated September 1942. This image has been edited to show TP and document data closer together than the original.

A complete V2 rocket turbo-pump on public display in the USA at the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum in Washington DC showing Klein Schanzlin & Becker’s wartime contractor armament code – ebb. Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum exhibit.

V2 rocket turbo-pump from a missile fired from Walcheren, Serooskerke, Vrederust, by battery no 444, at around 7am on September 17th 1944. The missile impacted East Ham with a direct hit on houses. Killing 6 people with 15 seriously injured. Much of the rocket debris was taken to the East Ham police station for examination by the military authorities. The serviceman in the picture is feeling the steam inlet manifold as it is still warm to the touch. Information porovided by www.v2rocket.com.

This photo shows a presentation of important vales from the A4-V2 missile. From the left: Main alcohol/B stoff valve (from the centre of injector head. Alcohol tank valve. Main LOX valve (with sub valve). Alcohol (B stoff) tank pressuring valve. Image courtesy Horst Beck Collection
Album | Valves |
Category | Propellant flow |

Trade literature advert for the Preschona company (Adolf Meyer) in Berlin, Germany. The company was a supply contractor and (among other items) manufactured the non-return valve for the steam turbine exhaust heat exchanger, employed to volatilise a small portion of liquid oxygen (LOX) to pressurise the LOX tank to maintain critical flow volume to the LOX turbo-pump.

Image shows allied soldier examining remains of V2 rocket turbo-pump after impact. The soldier is holding the steam turbine rotor – the large size of this part is well shown in this photo. The still lagged steam inlet manifold can be seen in the left foreground and the LOX outlet manifold (and valve, topmost) can be seen in the lower right corner.

Picture shows tubo-pump debris from impact site. LOX manifold clearly seen (3 in 1 outlet pipes, upper center of image – the one to its right, 2 o’clock position, and left, 11 o’clock position are both broken off).The LOX flow electric control valve is also well displayed in this image (LOX valve head is slightly low and left of center, part nearest camera). The electrical connection to the LOX valve has broken away leaving its empty socket pointing upwards and to the right.

A4 missile steam generator detail. This excellent presentation was rebuilt from original refurbished parts by Horst Beck. See our video article The V2 Rocket Turbo-Pump for a technical exposition of the parts shown in this photo. Image courtesy The Horst Beck Collection

Klein Schanzlin & Becker electric centrifugal-pump advert.

Early belt powered centrifugal pump by Klein Schanzlin & Becker. This schematic shows an early 20th century centrifugal pump designed and manufactured by KSB. The drawing appears to show auto-purge pathways at points marked C as well continuous lubrication pathways at B. Both of these important ideas would later feature in the propellant pump of the A4-V2 missile.

Trade advertisement for Klein Schanzlin & Becker (KSB supplier code ebb). KSB were the primary contractor for A4-V2 missile’s steam turbine driven dual propellant pump system.

Large industrial volute case centrifugal pump by Klein Schanzlin & Becker. This image highlights the ‘genetic’similarity and family resemblance between KSB’s current and historical product range and the visible features of the A4-V2 missile Turbo-Pump (TP). Apart from the general shape of the cast spiral-volute case and its connection flanges, the ‘soft’ shaft connection (disk with holes on the extreme left of the pump) is very reminiscent of the semi-flexible shaft connection point linking one side the steam turbine rotor shaft to the shaft carrying a propellent pump rotor seen in the A4-V2 missile TP. Family photo? Industrial volute case centrifugal pump by KSB

Cover of catalogue published in 1880 showing the KSB product range

This image shows a cutaway of an A4-V2 turbo-pump. The section reveals the Curtis type 2-stage steam-turbine rotor and you can also see part of the stater inserted between the blades (bottom middle) and the adjacent steam distribution pipe (black open pipe on stater’s immediate left). Top left, a centrifugal pump rotor can be seen – cut through, it shows a multi-splined shaft running through the centre, simple bearing and end-cap.

Electric industrial volute case centrifugal pump by Klein Schanzlin & Becker. This image highlights the ‘genetic’similarity and family resemblance between KSB’s current and historical product range and the visible features of the A4-V2 missile Turbo-Pump (TP). Assembly is shown being spray painted.

A Stoff (liquid oxygen) pump casing diagram showing stress points that require X ray quality control photography before use. The diagram shows the specific locations where photographic film is to be placed for X-ray analysis.

In this diagram the V2 Turbo-pump is shown in a cutaway presentation and rotated 90 degrees counter clockwise. The B stoff (fuel) pump is nearest the viewer – the over-speed device can be seen on the B stoff pump’s case end-plate. The low pressure inlet ports our shown to the left, and high-pressure outlet ports are on the right. The steam distribution manifold can be seen at the furthest point from the viewer – the steam inlet pipe flange can also be seen. The feed pipe from the steam generator attaches to thus flange.

This mpe* drawing from 1945 shows the individual steam buckets or blades (labeled A and C) mounted to the rim of the rotor disk. As well as the fixed (i.e. stationary) stater blade B, positioned such that blades A & C can pass either side of it. The steam expansion is well shown by the increasing surface area of the blades from A to C, and growing larger, from left where the high pressure super heated steam enters the turbine, to right where it exits the blade pathway and passes in to the exhaust outlet. The lower graphic shows the way the super-heated high pressure steam is passed from the initial A blade and deflected by the reversed B stator blade for its energy to to be harvested for a second time by the C rotor blade. * mpe is the secret three letter armament code for Karlshagen, Werk Nord (North Works).

This HVP technical drawing from October 1940, shows a proposal from the Oddesse company – the full title of this company is KLEIN SCHANZLIN ODDESSE GmbH. Klein, Schanzlin & Becker A.G. (waffenamt code: ebb) took over Oddessa in 1929 and the company became formally known as KLEIN SCHANZLIN-ODDESSE GmbH (code ebc) in 1939. (NB: The company name has nothing to do with a similar sounding place name Odessa. The Oddesse trading name was formed from the partnership of English engineer Oddie, and German businessman Hesse.). The dual centrifugal turbo-pump shown in the drawing is a variant of a high pressure fire-fighting pump manufactured by Oddesse. Note the off-center outflow ports – not also that the outlet flanges are still level at this stage. Note also the incorrect spelling of the company name in the details panel lower right. (Digipeer.de image)

Another HVP technical drawing from later in October 1940, shows further data from the KLEIN SCHANZLIN ODDESSE (ebc) company A4-V2 turbo-pump project. See previous image for company details. The dual centrifugal turbo-pump shown in the drawing is a variant of a high pressure fire-fighting pump manufactured by Oddesse. Note the off-center outlet ports. Note also the corrected spelling of the company name in the details panel lower right (see previous Oddesse image) and the small note below the top table that indicates that the pumps are from Oddesse (ODD) and the turbine from a company indicated as SSW. (Digipeer.de image)

Signatur FA 014/21241 (Digipeer.de image)

V2 rocket turbo-pump preliminary dimension sheet for O series, drawing. Many of the final elements of the turbo-pump design can be seen in this ‘preliminary’ drawing and table form 1941. The word lieferfirma in the data box btm right mean supply company – and this is indicated to be KSB or Klein Schanzlin & Becker AG, Frankenthal. Signatur FA 014/14769
(Digipeer.de image)

Centrifugal impeller for A or liquid oxygen (LOX) pump. The drawing originated in Aug 1943 and was superseded in December 1944. A key to the image hatching can be seen with the label ‘Hochbeansprucht’ which in English means Highly Stressed. Next to the drawing numbers two secret three letter armament codes can be seen indicating the ‘origination’ of the document. The top one mpe = Heimat Artillerie Park 11 (HAP or Army Artillery Range). The lower code ebb = Klein Schanzlin & Becker AG, Frankenthal.
Signatur FA 014/02542 (Digipeer.de image)

Signatur FA 014/02537
Abmessungen: 42,9×59,8

Images of the main valves involved in the propellant flow of the A4 / V2 liquid fuelled rocket engine

Categories: Peenemünde-Usedom-locations, V2 Missile relics

The photo shows a Lichtstrahl empfänger (In English: Light-beam receiver) environmental protection case, originally one of a group of 40 or so we first found in 2010 abandon in an area adjacent to the train platform for the administration block. On subsequent visits this number has declined to just ten or so, mostly very decayed examples. The environmental casing was vital to the Lorentz Light-Beam equipment on-board the V2 missile as the critical radio frequency would otherwise drift with the large change in temperature as the missile climbed into the stratosphere. The case was thickly insulated with rock wool or fibre-glass strands and designed to help maintain a stable temperature – indeed, the same temperature as the radio equipment was when at ground level when calibration and adjustment was completed before launch. The F1 pre-production hall is located about 200m North-West of the point where this photo was taken. Scroll down to see map below (click map and switch to ‘satellite view’ for clearer indication of location).

Anatomy of the V2: 18-pot injector head

Industrial magazine advert for Gustav Schlick printed in 1918 and showing graphic of steam boiler jets. The company, formed in 1902, had a wide expertise in all aspects of industrial spray technology and were able to steer the direction of fuel injector development along fruitful lines after they became consulting contractors to Dr Walter Thiel’s combustion research group in 1937.

Sample set of 3303D type fuel injector inserts that were found in Peenemünde in part of a group that were bunched together in a space about 300mm in diameter with the remains of packaging. They appear to be manufacturing samples and and some have been graded with numbers 1,2,3, as well as with red and white paint to show the burner cup echelon position (C or D). Five different manufacturers are represented in this group. V2RH collection image

A complete V2 rocket turbo-pump on public display in the USA at the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum in Washington DC showing Klein Schanzlin & Becker’s wartime contractor armament code – ebb. Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum exhibit.

Page from the book, German Secret Armament Codes until 1945 by Michael Heidle (Visier Edition 2016) showing Klein Schanzlin & Becker’s wartime contractor armament code – ebb and Klein Schanzlin Odesse as ebc. ISBN: 978-3-944196-18-3
Album | Turbopump parts and relics |
Category | Turbo-pump |

A schematic drawing of the Askania rudder servo ‘Rudermaschine LRM 3’showing the critical compact dimentions of the device making it ideal for retro fit projects for smaller aircraft.

Trade literature advert for the Preschona company (Adolf Meyer) in Berlin, Germany. The company was a supply contractor and (among other items) manufactured the non-return valve for the steam turbine exhaust heat exchanger, employed to volatilise a small portion of liquid oxygen (LOX) to pressurise the LOX tank to maintain critical flow volume to the LOX turbo-pump.

Testing fuel injectors

Image shows a correctly formed nebular cone attended by a fine mist. the four injector cooling jets are well shown, and although fluid beading can be seen on the face of the injector, there is insufficient liquid to cause dripping.