A4-V2 control surface servo and trim motors. ©THBC
Photo shows a unique display at the Horst Beck Collection (HBC). Over many years Mr Horst Beck has painstakingly acquired and restored many A4-V2 missile parts – and in some cases, reassembled them into complete sub-assemblies. Shown here is part of the collection’s hydraulic servos and trim motor parts display. In the foreground we see four hydraulic servos, and behind them their A frame mounting ‘chairs’. The top shelf, from left to right, shows a servo with motor removed (and placed on its right). In the middle, two trim motors and chain sprocket gear-boxes for the aerodynamic trim surfaces on the trailing edge tips of fins 2 and 4. Next the pale green crank levers, the first longer one is for the hydraulic servo that controls the jet vanes and trimmers on fins 1 and 3. The shorter version minus the top horn, is used on the servos for fins 2 and 4. The last, silver coloured item,os a servo stabiliser (all the servos shown have one already fitted). Photo copyright: The Horst Beck Collection