Another screen grab from F1 video

Another screen grab from F1 video

This image shows part of a pile of concrete castings that form the below ground foundations for part of the electrified fence that was built around F1 (see previous photo for details). You can see the area that these posts once secured in the second black and white recce image in this gallery. The fenced off area is the large triangular shape you can see joining the North-East South-East corners of F1 (ie the long wall of F1 facing the shore). Quite why and exactly when someone mustered men or machines to pluck these lumps of concrete out of the ground and move them 100 to 200m is beyond me - why not just bulldoze them under like everything else on this site?

About V2 Rocket History 10 Articles
At V2 Rocket History our aim is to investigate the history and technology of the A4-V2 missile, and share the results in the most accessible and engaging way possible. Our general approach is to highlight the engineering and industrial aspects of the subject.

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