This library contains material related to the A4-V2 turbo-pump sub-assembly including the steam generation plant. Including original photos, images of relics and documents.
Picture shows parts of V2 missile fin structure laying on open ground near area between admin offices and F1 (near Admin. block railway platform, see map).
Picture shows metal debris within the F1 factory boundary walls. The purpose of the part buried liquid storage vessel in the foreground is unknown but it is not a vessel capable of being pressurised. Other assorted metal debris include pipe and cable wall cleats, as well as steel armature rods from reinforced concrete castings (powerful demolition explosions have freed the steel rods from the concrete). These reinforcement rods are a common sight in the environs of Fertigungshalle Eins (F1) and the nearby Repair & Maintenance Hall (R&MH).
Wooden carboy frame from WW2 (possibly used for transporting small quantities of corrosive and dangerous liquids employed in the V2 steam plant (such a T-Stoff) laying among trees 190m East of F1 in a location used as an emergency rail freight loading area for F1 due to damage caused to rail track by US air raids in August 1944.